JH Boys’ BB Picks Up Wins
On the days of January 30th, February 4th, and February 6th the junior high boys’ basketball team kept busy with games, playing against David City, Schuyler, and Wayne.
On January 30th the Patriots went against the DC Scouts in two games. The B team had a heartbreaking loss, 4-9. The A team had a huge win, 51-19.
Seventh-grader Blair Wietfield said, “We played the best basketball we have ever played. We worked as a team and came out with a win.”
On February 4th the Patriots went against the Warriors in three games. The C team won 8-2, and the B team also won 28-22. The A team then won with a final score of 21-11.
Coach Tyler Brester said about the games, “It was really nice for all 3 teams to come out with a win. All three levels continue to come to practice each day and better themselves. It has been fun to watch them grow over the course of the year and hopefully we can keep our winning streak going this last week of the season.”
On February 6th the Patriots went against the Blue Devils. The Patriots played three time and unfortunately lost all three times. The score of the C team was 1-12. The score of the B team was 32-45. The A team lost with a score of 33-49.
The boys have just a few games left to wrap up their basketball season!