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Leigh Community Schools

High School

Kuhr, Stender, Loseke Make EHC Honor Band

LCS had 3 students qualify for East Husker Conference Honor Band this year, held on February 10, 2025, at Wayne State College. Students who auditioned and were chosen to attend include seniors Emily Stender, who plays trombone; Brianne Kuhr, . . .

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Five Qualify for WSC Choir

Some of the students in the Leigh High School choir were honored to qualify for the WSC Honor Choir that was held on Friday, January 1.  The students had to try out to be part of this choir. Amaiya Ross, Paige Kurpgeweit, Sydney . . .

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Students Attend Choir Clinic

On Monday, January 13th, seven students from LHS attended the Boone Central Honor Choir Clinic in Albion including seniors Paige Kurpgeweit, Keeley Campbell, and Alisyn Lich; junior Sydney Messerlie; sophmore Clayton Folken; and freshmen . . .

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Seven Students Qualify for EHC Honor Choir

On Monday, November 4th seven members of the Leigh High Choir—Paige Kurpgeweit, Amaiya Ross, Sydney Messerlie, Kiera Wiese, Lainey Urban, Ariyah Ross, and Vivian Bunner—were chosen to represent our community in the East Husker . . .

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Ross and Kurpgeweit Selected to Midland Honor Choir

On Tuesday, October 14, two senior girls attended the Midland Honor Choir: Amaiya Ross and Paige Kurpgeweit.  There were around 120 students who attended the event from many different schools. These students arrived at 7:50 am and . . .

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