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Leigh Community Schools

High School


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Students Attend Choir Clinic

On Monday, January 13th, seven students from LHS attended the Boone Central Honor Choir Clinic in Albion including seniors Paige Kurpgeweit, Keeley Campbell, and Alisyn Lich; junior Sydney Messerlie; sophmore Clayton Folken; and freshmen Ariyah Ross and Vivian Bunner.

Over 100 kids attended this event from 10 different schools. The Choir Clinic started at 10:30 and held a concert later that evening at 5:30 pm after a day filled with singing and fun activities. There were five sessions held throughout the day and five songs were sung in the concert. 

Choir teacher Sydney Wemhoff stated, “There were about 10 schools and 109 students who attended the 79th annual Boone Central Honor Choir. The students who attended had a great time, and it was a great opportunity for students to work with such a talented musician and director all day.”

Senior Alisyn Lich said, “The Boone Central Honor Choir was a great experience and I encourage anyone to go in the future if they can.”