Turtles: An Odd but Rewarding Pet
For most people, a turtle isn’t thing that comes to mind when they think of getting a new pet. But having a turtle as a pet is one of the best decisions someone could make. It is a lifelong pet and very low maintenance. Many people talk about having a fish as a pet. A turtle is essentially the same as a fish.
I’ve had a pet turtle named Bucky for about a year now. Before that, Bucky was with my cousin for two years. Bucky ended up with me pretty much by chance. My cousin had another pet turtle in the same enclosure as Bucky, and since they were different types of turtles, they were making each other sick. My cousin asked if I would just keep it for a little while. He later asked if I would take it to the exotic animal auction or keep it. I chose to keep Bucky, and I’m so glad I did!
As long as you get the right things for your turtle, then they will live for a while. First, you have to make sure to have a tote or enclosure big enough for them. I’d suggest a 40-gallon tote.
You will also need to get some wood chips for your turtle’s “floor”. This will allow some extra padding and a good absorbent for the things that your turtle may do in its area. Make sure to change the wood chips every once in a while. You also may have to go in with a glove every month or so and somewhat clean the wood chips.
You also have to make sure that your turtles have lettuce. You can’t just be buying any kind of lettuce as you please. It needs to be romaine lettuce or the turtle won’t eat it. Another good thing that you can get for your turtle is calcium powder. You can find this at Wal-Mart. If you decide to use this, you just need to spray the lettuce with a little bit of water and then sprinkle some of the powder on. Make sure you have a little bowl of water for your turtle as well.
The turtle will also need a light and a heat lamp to keep it warm. Turtles don’t like the dark. Another nice little addition you can get for your turtle is a log ramp. They can climb on it and sleep under it.
In all, I’ve found that turtles are very low maintenance and a perfect addition to any family. You can even take them to college with you. It's a pet that every age can enjoy and easily take care of, whether you're 2 or 92. As you can tell, turtles are the perfect pet!