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Leigh Community Schools

High School


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Student Opinion: “No Cell Phones” Policy Is a Positive Thing

In my opinion, one policy at our school that I agree with is the new cell phone policy. Starting this school year, students are not allowed to bring their phone into school, and if they do, it has to stay in their locker.

Prior to this, students were able to have their phones in the building before school started as well as at lunch and after school.  And the consequences weren’t as strict or specific if a student was caught with a phone in class.  It was mostly teacher consequences. 

 This year, if a student is caught with a phone at any time in the building, the first offense is an office detention and the parents have to pick up the phone in the office.  The second time, the student receives an in-school suspension, and the parents have to pick up the phone.  The third offense is the student receives an in-school suspension, the parent has to pick up the phone, and the student will have to turn the phone in to the office each morning. 

Additionally, smart watches are also no longer allowed. 

A lot of students were dreading this policy before school started, but I really don’t think anyone thinks it is that bad anymore. It has given kids the opportunities to communicate with each other. At lunch I have noticed that there are a lot more conversations going on. People are actually getting most of their food done and going to play a quick game of knockout. Another reason why I think that this policy is good is because it has stopped bullying. In the past few years, there was some instances of bullying happening as a result of phones or just phones being used inappropriately during the school day. This has helped stop most of it from happening. We all know that there are going to be kids that think that they can get away with sneaking in their phone, but with teachers on the watch for it and these new policies in place, I think it is a really good thing for our school. 

All in all, I think that this is a really good policy that has been put in place. The teachers don’t have to worry about policing phones anymore, and it helps kids eliminate distractions and engage with each other more when they are at school.