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Leigh FFA and 4H Students Win Awards at State Fair

Over the past two weekends, 4H and the Leigh FFA Chapter showed at the Nebraska State Fair, which resulted in great success. The first weekend, 4H members showed and then the following weekend, FFA members competed. The State Fair was held from August 22-September 1, 2024.

Seven members of the chapter participated in the FFA show, bringing home a commendable amount of awards. The results are as follows:


Kammy Held (Senior): FFA Beed: Market Heifer—Blue; FFA Goat: 3rd Overall Commercial Breeding Doe; FFA Goats: Market Goats—3rd Place Purple; FFA Showmanship: Beef—Blue; FFA Showmanship: Goats—Top 5 Finalist

Daphne Jedlicka (Sophomore): FFA Sheep: Commercial Breeding—Purple; FFA Sheep: Market Lamb Crossbred—Purple; FFA Showmanship: Sheep—Grand Champion Sophomore Showman

Carmen Malena (Sophomore): FFA Showmanship: Swine—Top 10 Finalist; FFA Swine: Crossbreed Market Barrow—1st place Purple; FFA Swine: Purebred Breeding Gilt—Grand Champion Hampshire

Avery Kuester (Eighth Grade): FFA Beef: Market Steer—Blue; FFA Showmanship: Beef—Blue

Layton Held (Eighth Grade): FFA Beef: Commercial Heifers—Blue; FFA Showmanship: Beef—Blue

Cruz Malena (Seventh Grade): FFA Swine: Crossbred Market Gilts—Purple

-On the other side of FFA, 4-H members and members of the chapter also had a great turnout of events. The results are as follows:

-Kammy Held (Senior): 4H Livestock: Commercial Doe Kid—Purple; 4H Livestock: Market Goat—Purple; 4H Showmanship: Commercial Goat—Purple

-Nevaeh Zulkoski (Junior): Open Class Swine: Crossbred Market Swine—8th Overall; Open Class Swine: Crossbred Market Swine—7th Overall; Open Class Swine: Crossbred Breeding Gilt

-Daphne Jedlicka (Sophomore): 4H Senior Showmanship: Sheep—Purple; 4H Sheep: Hampshire—Purple; 4H Sheep: Dorset Market Lamb—Grand Champion 

-Carmen Malena (Sophomore): 4H Swine: Market Gilt—Grand Champion; 

-Cruz Malena (Eighth Grade): 4H Swine: Market Barrow—5th in class; 4H Swine: AOB Market Hog—Champion


Sophomore Carmen Malena said, “State Fair was lots of fun and it was exciting to see how my animals did after all my hard work I put into them throughout the year!”

Eighth-grader Layton Held agreed. 

“State was a fun adventure with all the rides, cattle and food. It was fun showing my livestock that I have been preparing for all year. It was a good learning year for me and what I could do better at.”