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Leigh Community Schools

High School


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Senior Spotlight: Ella Urban

On June 19th, 2007, in Norfolk, Nebraska, Josh and Robin Urban welcomed their first child, Ella Jae Urban into the world. Ella later became a big sister to two sisters, Emersyn, 16, and Eisley,12, as well as her brother Isaiah, 8. 

Ella’s grandparents are Dean and Cindy Urban of Leigh, and Judy and the late Gary Blessen of Creston. 

The Urban daily also has one cat named Nala. 

Throughout high school career, Ella has participated in FBLA, One-Act, journalism, and FCCLA for 4 years, and track, yearbook, National Honor Society, and golf for 3 years. 

Outside of school she has participated in Youth Advisory Committee and Zion Lutheran Church Youth Group.

  Ella has received many honors, including 2nd place at FCCLA Nationals, Student of the Month two times, Homecoming Queen and earning letters in track, golf, and dance. Ella’s proudest high school accomplishment was earning the office of FCCLA President. 

In the future, Ella plans to attend Wayne State College. She hopes to earn an undergraduate Communications degree and then go on to become a speech pathologist. In 15 years, she sees herself with a good job and family. 

If she won the lottery, Ella said that she would buy a self-driving car so that she wouldn’t have to worry about driving ever again. If she could travel anywhere in the world, she would travel to Bora Bora. 

Ella’s biggest pet peeve is when people touch her with their socks. 

If she had to choose three words to describe herself, she would choose kind, funny, and caring. 

When asked who she admires in her life, Ella said her mom because her mom is always there for her and helps her when she needs it. 

Ella’s favorite things outside of school and spending time with friends and family and golfing.  Her favorite subject in school is Culinary Arts. Her favorite song is “Wonder” by Meagan Moroney. Her favorite sports team is the Huskers. Ella’s favorite food is tater tot casserole. 

  Ella’s most embarrassing school memory is getting locked in the closet by Mr. Prososki in seventh grade. 

Her advice to underclassmen is “Time in high school goes by faster than you think, so enjoy it while it lasts.”

Congratulations, Ella!