Senior Spotlight: Kammy Held
On March 13, 2007, at Columbus Community Hospital, Keal and Heather Held welcomed their second daughter, Kammy Maleah Held, to the world. Kammy has an older sister Makenna, 20, and a younger brother Layton, 13.
Kammy’s grandparents are Mike and Joy Malena of Leigh, NE, and the late Bob and Lorraine Held of Leigh, NE.
To round out her family, she has two pets: a dog named Shay and a cat named Simba.
Kammy has participated in FFA, FBLA, One-Act play, and journalism for 4 years; and dance team and National Honor Society for 3 years.
Outside of school activities, Kammy is also a member of the Leigh Youth Advisory Committee, Blue Banner 4-H, and St. John’s Church Youth Group. She also has a part-time job at Went Show Goats.
Kammy honors in high school include lettering in Play Production, Journalism, and Dance, and being captain of the Patriot Dance Team, Treasurer of the Youth Advisory Committee, and President of the FFA this year along with other past FFA offices.
Kammy has been very involved in FFA and has received many FFA awards, including FFA State Top Five Livestock Evaluation Team 2022, FFA District Agricultural Proficiency Award - 3rd place, FFA Outstanding Record Book - 2022-23, 2023-24, FFA Most Active Sophomore - 2022-23, and FFA Most Active Junior 2023-24.
She says her proudest high school accomplishment is getting 3rd with her proficiency at the State Level in FFA.
Her favorite high school memory was all the FFA Events she got to go to and growing her education through them.
She says her most embarrassing moment was when she was running in the school hallway late at night after decorating for the Christmas Festival last year and almost knocking out her front teeth from tripping and falling so hard (and having the incident being pulled up on the school cameras for all to see later on!)
After high school, Kammy plans to continue her love of Agriculture and FFA by attending to University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a major in Ag Education.
In 10-15 years, Kammy sees herself married with kids, running a successful show cattle business and teaching Ag education. She also hopes to be living in a nice house with lots of land around her.
If Kammy won the lottery, she would pay off her student loans and invest it on show cattle to make more money in the future producing high quality show cattle. Three things on her bucket list include having a successful business, raising kids in the show industry, and graduating college with a four-year degree in just 2 ½ years.
Kammy has many favorite things. Her favorite TV show is Shameless. Her favorite restaurant is El Mezcal. Her favorite subject in school is Ag, and her favorite hobbies outside of school are showing livestock and spending time with family and friends.
Three words that describe Kammy are hardworking, determined, and ambitious.
When asked who she admires in her life, she replied with her parents, “I admire my parents. My dad is the most hardworking individual and would do anything for anyone. He takes time out of his day to help my brother and I with what we love to do most, showing livestock. He has worked hard for what he has and gives so much to his kids. My mom is the most humble and selfless individual, who would also do anything for anyone. She always encourages me to do what I love and don’t follow the crowd. She has also always showed up for me at all of my school and non-school events no matter what.”
Her advice to underclassmen is “Don’t follow what your friends are doing or what is “popular”. Do your own thing, and you will enjoy high school so much more.”
Congratulations Kammy, and best of luck in your future!