Speech Team Finds Success in Wakefield
The Leigh Speech team competed in Wakefield on Friday, February 7th. The speech meet started bright and early at 8:00 AM and ended at 4:00 PM.
14 teams participated in the competition, including Leigh, Howells-Dodge, Wakefield, Ponca, West Point-Beemer, David City, Columbus Lakeview, Oakland-Craig, Battle Creek, Elkhorn Valley, Laurel-Concord-Coleridge, Winnebago, Neligh-Oakdale, and Pender.
We had a successful meet with 7 placings. Brianne Kuhr placed 2nd in Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking, Sydney Messerlie paced 6th in Varsity Serious, Elizabeth Hoffman placed 5th in Novice Informative, Kaylee Brabec placed 2nd and Kaycee Lange placed 6th in Novice Persuasive, James Moore placed 6th in Novice POI (Program of Oral Interpretation), and Sydney Messerlie, James Moore, Kaycee Lange, Vivian Bunner, and Cade Hoesly placed 2nd in Novice OID (Oral Interpretation of Drama).
Team sweepstakes top 5 results include, West Point-Beemer in 1st with 98 points, David City in 2nd with 86 points, Howells-Dodge in 3rd with 69 points, Columbus Lakeview in 4th with 35 points, Oakland-Craig in 5th with 27 points,
As a team Leigh Varsity finished 6th with 20 points, and the JV team finished 4th.
Assistant speech coach, Kim Loseke, said, “I am proud of how our team is doing. Everyone is making improvements to their events and I can't wait to see how everyone does at the remaining meets."
"Despite there being 14 teams, everyone has done an amazing job and I'm proud of how far our speech team has come!” said junior, Sydney Messerlie.