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FCCLA Hosts End-of-Year Banquet

Officer Team Chosen for 2021-22 School Year

By: Tanyn Larson, a freshman at Leigh High School


On Thursday, April 27 the Leigh-Clarkson FCCLA chapter hosted a banquet to close the year out. They held the banquet at the Leigh new gym at 7:00 p.m. The FCCLA banquet was a great opportunity for the FCCLA members to be recognized for all of their achievements. 

            The banquet began with an introduction and then a dinner catered by Pizza Hut. After the dinner, it was time for awards.

The first awards that the members received were the awards for years of membership. Three members, Cassidy Hoffman, Madisyn Pelan, and Rylee Olson, earned the FCCLA Achievement Award for being in FCCLA for six years.

The other graduating seniors—Kyleigh Rayback, Emily Loseke, Kayden Schumacher, Alicia Holmberg, Bridget Rupprecht, Bethany Rupprecht, and Bailey Lemberg—also received awards for their years of membership. 

            Our next set of awards were “Outstanding Members.” There was one member chosen from each grade: Elizabeth Hoffman (7th grade), Baylee Settje (8th grade), Tanyn Larson (freshman), Dee Rivera (sophomore), Natalie Brabec (junior), and Cassidy Hoffman (senior). 

At this banquet STAR competitors were also recognized for their participation in STAR and given their certificates they earned throughout the year at Districts and at State. 

FCCLA advisor Mrs. Megan Hillen said, “We were so grateful to be able to gather this year for our FCCLA banquet and celebrate the success our chapter has had over the past year. We also welcomed our new officer team and look forward to the leadership they will bring to the chapter.”

Cassidy Hoffman, the 2020-2021 president. gave her end-of-year final speech to thank all of the members and Mrs. Hillen for helping her throughout the years. 

The final event of the night was the installation of the new officers. 

2021-2022 officers are as follows: President: Natalie Brabec, Vice-President: Mitchel Beeson, Secretary: Kennedy Settje, Treasurer: Jessica Hoffman, Vice-President of STAR: Tanyn Larson, Public Relations: Gracie Eisenmann, Historian: Cassi Rayback, District Representative: Macy Clausen.

Newly elected president Natalie Brabec said, “The FCCLA banquet was a great time to recognize all of the accomplishments that our chapter has done this year. This year we had multiple achievements to award, through STAR and membership there were a lot of awards. We also had a sad goodbye, while wishing our seniors goodbye. As the new chapter president this year, the officers and I are excited to see what the chapter will achieve this year."


Newly Elected 2021-22 FCCLA Officer Team (L to R): Gracie Eisenmann, Cassandra Rayback, Vice-President Mitchel Beeson, President Natalie Brabec, Jessica Hoffman