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Leigh Community Schools

High School


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Quiz Bowl Team Wins Again!

On February 5th, Leigh Quiz Bowl faced St. Ed in the Sweet 16 round of the 48-team KTCH Radio Quiz Bowl Competition. Leigh ended up winning. They are now in the quarter finals with just 8 teams left! 

Brianne Kuhr, Luke Eisenmann, Brayden Loseke, and Liz Hoffman made up the team. 

Junior Luke Eisenmann said, “It is really exciting to be back in the quarterfinals.  We want redemption this year and to make it all the way and win!”

Quiz Bowl Sponsor Mrs. Gall stated, “Their hard work, collaboration, and quick thinking led to an impressive win! We are excited for the next match!”

Quiz Bowl competes again February 12th at 10:30 a.m. against Tekamah-Herman.