K-1 Students Enjoy Field Trip
Over 50 excited Kindergarten and 1st grade students had an exciting day on Thursday, October 17 on their fall field trip!
The Kindergarteners started their day at Malena’s Dairy, and the 1st graders got to start at Larson’s Dairy. Then, they all went to Poppy’s Pumpkin Patch together!
At Malena’s Dairy, the Kindergarteners learned what dairy cows eat, how many gallons of water they drink, and products made from milk. They got to learn all about cows and how crucial they are to everyday life. They fed bottle calves and ended the field trip eating delicious ice cream.
At Larson’s Dairy, the first graders had a blast learning all about cows. They saw the robotic dairy parlor, and they made homemade ice cream and butter. Both classes even got to adopt a calve to consider as their own class pet.
Then the students went to Poppy's Pumpkin patch. Mrs. Wietfeld said, “The students shared many laughs while exploring the pumpkin patch. Some of their favorite activities at the pumpkin patch were the slides, corn pit, jumping pillow, petting zoo and riding the trikes.”
All together, both classes had a blast at the pumpkin patch. They even got to take some pumpkins home.