Seniors Attend Annual County Government Day
By: Aiden Miller, a senior at Leigh High School
On November 22, a Monday, Leigh seniors attended Colfax County Government Day at the Colfax County courthouse in Schuyler. On the way to Schuyler, the bus picked up Juniors from Clarkson and made their way to the courthouse. The schools that attended were Leigh, Clarkson, and Schuyler. While at the courthouse, students were split into groups and given a tour of each position in the courthouse. They toured the office and were given a description of the tasks of each person. After the day, they walked down to the Schuyler VFW hall, and the VFW members discussed considering joining the VFW in the future, for those who wish to join the military.
Afterwards the seniors sped home to get ready for the One-Act matinee. Senior Isaac Rodenburg said about the day, “It was an informative morning, and I’m glad they do this for seniors. I learned things about local government I did not know, and I’m glad my classmates and I attended.”
Mr. Bachman, the coordinator of the event for the Leigh seniors said, “This was a great opportunity for our seniors to learn about local government. They were able to tour the courthouse and learn about what the different elected officials do. A big thank you to Colfax County for putting on this great activity.”